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Insomnia or sleep disorders is a sleep problem. Reasonable sleep is 8 hours. Symptoms that can be seen by an insomniac is easy to stress / depression, lack of energy, sleeplessness, unstable feelings, irritability, and difficult to sleep.
Too often stay up to be the main factor of insomnia problem. Usually among adults. This sleep disorder can cause disruption to work during the day. Insomnia does not occur because of the influence of drugs or the like.
There are several types of insomnia, including:
1. Insomnia lasts, usually due to stress or major depression. As a result the body's performance will be hampered and lack of sleep.
2. Short-term insomnia, usually occurs about 1-2 months. This insomnia is affected because of an unbiased sleep.
3. Insomnia lasts, this insomnia usually happens because of accustomed. And longer than short-term insomnia.
Poor sleep quality can be a habit of insomnia, therefore the cleanliness and comfort when going to sleep is very important to be preserved.
Some symptoms of insomnia:
• Difficulty sleeping
• Sleepy during the day
• Easy to get angry
• Hard to sleep
• Often awake at night